The image-filter menus at the top of the UI
[sort : types.dt_collection_sort_t]
) : types.dt_collection_sort_t
Change the collection sort field.
- [sort] - types.dt_collection_sort_t - The new field to sort by. If empty the current sort field is unchanged
- return - types.dt_collection_sort_t = The current sort field.
[order : types.dt_collection_sort_order_t]
) : types.dt_collection_sort_order_t
Change the collection sort order.
- [order] - types.dt_collection_sort_order_t - The order to sort by. If empty the current sort order is unchanged.
- return - types.dt_collection_sort_order_t - The current sort order.
[rating : types.dt_collection_filter_t]
) : types.dt_collection_filter_t
Change the collection rating filter.
- [rating] - types.dt_collection_filter_t - The new rating field to filter by. If empty the current rating field is unchanged.
- return - types.dt_collection_filter_t - The current rating field.
[comparator : types.dt_collection_rating_comperator_t]
) : types.dt_collection_rating_comperator_t
Change the collection filter comparison field.
- [comparator] - types.dt_collection_rating_comperator_t - The new comparison field to filter the rating by. If empty the current rating comparison field is unchanged
- return - types.dt_collection_rating_comperator_t - The current rating comparison field