



get or set the log level


local log = require "lib/log"
local result = log.log_level(...)

- arguments - if none is supplied, then the current log level is returned as one of: log.debug, log.info, log.warn, log.error, log.success. If one of log.debug, log.info, log.warn, log.error, or log.success is supplied as the argument then the log level is set to that value. All log levels greater than or equal in value will be enabled. Any levels of lesser value will be disabled.


log_level gets and sets the logging level. When called with no arguments the current log level is returned as one of log.debug, log.info, log.warn, log.error, or log.success. When called with one of log.debug, log.info, log.warn, log.error or log.success then the log level is set. When setting the log level all levels equal or greater are enabled and any of lesser value are disabled. See the example.


result - log level - one of log.debug, log.info, log.warn, log.error or log.success


Assume that the current log level is log.error. Calling


will return log.error. Calling


will leave log.debug disabled, and enable log.info, log.warn, log.error and log.success. log.info will be returned as the log_level.