
Create a composite image by overlaying an already-processed image on top of the current image.

Drag and drop a processed image from the filmstrip onto the “drop image from filmstrip here” box to overlay the chosen image, and then alter the various placement and adjustment attributes of the image being overlaid.

The full history stack of the overlayed image is used by the module, so if you want to drastically change the overlaid image beyond the controls of this module, you should first edit that image separately.

🔗module controls

drop image from filmstrip here
The image to overlay onto the currently edited image (dragged from the filmstrip).
The percentage of transparency applied to the overlaid image.
The amount to turn the overlaid image. Rotation is around the alignment point.
The amount to shrink the overlaid image.
scale on
The criteria on which to base the overlaid image scaling.
The area on which to align the overlaid image.
x offset
The amount to move the overlaid image horizontally.
y offset
The amount to move the overlaid image vertically.