map settings

Select preferred map data from various providers. Some will provide additional layers (satellite view etc.) which you can toggle.

🔗module controls

map source
Choose the provider to source map information from.
max polygon points
The find location module doesn’t display polygons with more points than this for performance reasons. Usually a country polygon has between 50,000 and 150,000 points.
show OSD
Choose whether to display the OSD controls at the top-left of the center view.
filtered images
Check this box to display only the images from the current collection (those shown in the filmstrip) in the center view. Un-check the box to display all images in the current library, where those images have associated GPS data. You can also toggle this option by pressing Ctrl+S.
max images
The maximum number of thumbnails to display on the map.
group size factor
Increase or decrease the size of area that causes images to be grouped.
min images per group
The minimum number of images that need to be placed in the same position in order to automatically create an image group for them.
thumbnail display
Define what information to show on the map display
  • thumbnails: Display image thumbnails along with a counter.
  • count: Just display the number of images (to free space on the map). Hover over the number of images to show the corresponding thumbnail(s). A count-only marker behaves the same way as a normal image thumbnail, in terms of color coding, scrolling, drag and drop etc.
  • none: Show nothing.
You can also cycle through these options by pressing Shift+S.